The Basics

bones_ecs is the core of the Bones framework, and all of the other crates depend on it, but it can also be used independently of the rest of Bones.

Here we'll give an overview of Bones ECS and how to use it.

Throughout this tutorial we assume that you have imported the bones_ecs prelude:

use bones_ecs::prelude::*;

Or if you're using bones_lib:

use bones_lib::ecs::prelude::*;

You must also add the type_ulid crate to your Cargo.toml ( this won't be necessary in the future ).


Let's start with making some components. We'll need a Pos component and a Vel component, to represent positions and velocities:

/// Our position component.
#[derive(Clone, TypeUlid, Debug)]
#[ulid = "01GPYNA7R38W826BG79QG0X590"]
pub struct Pos {
    pub x: f32,
    pub y: f32,

/// Our velocity component.
#[derive(Clone, TypeUlid, Debug)]
#[ulid = "01GPYN9961WQAJ19Q6NEQ6AFPH"]
pub struct Vel {
    pub x: f32,
    pub y: f32,

Components are just rust structs, but notice that we are required to derive at least two traits on all our components: Clone and TypeUlid.

  • Clone is required to allow snapshotting the world state.
  • TypeUlid is required to provide unique component identifiers across mods.

For every different component you create, it has to have a different ULID. You can generate a ULID by going to and typing the command ulid.

Note: We are considering removing the TypeUlid requirement. See this issue for details.


Now that we have components, we can create our systems.


Let's start off with a setup_system that will spawn some entities into our world.

Systems in Bones ECS are just functions or closures where all the arguments are SystemParams.

// Spawn our initial entities.
fn setup_system(
    mut entities: ResMut<Entities>,
    mut positions: CompMut<Pos>,
    mut velocities: CompMut<Vel>,
) {
    // Create our first entity
    let ent1 = entities.create();
    // Add add Pos and a Vel component to it.
    positions.insert(ent1, Pos { x: 0., y: 0.});
    velocities.insert(ent1, Vel { x: 3.0, y: 1.0 });

    // And do the same with another entity
    let ent2 = entities.create();
    positions.insert(ent2, Pos { x: 0., y: 100. });
    velocities.insert(ent2, Vel { x: 0.0, y: -1.0 });

Notice here how we use two different kinds of system parameters: ResMut and CompMut.

  • ResMut gives us mutable access to a resource. In this case, we specifically access the Entities resource, which is always present in the World. The Entities resource allows us to create and kill entities, as well as iterate over entities.
  • CompMut gives us mutable access to a component store. CompMut<Vel> can almost be though of as a HashMap<Entity, Vel>. Similarly, you can get the position of an entity with positions.get(ent).

For both resources and components there are non-mutable variants, Res and Comp, that may be used of you only need to read from it.

Position-Velocity System

Now that we've got our setup_system made, let's add a system that will update all the entity's positions based on their velocities.

fn pos_vel_system(
    entities: Res<Entities>,
    mut positions: CompMut<Pos>,
    velocities: Comp<Vel>,
) {
    for (entity, (pos, vel)) in entities.iter_with((&mut positions, &velocities)) {
        pos.x += vel.x;
        pos.y += vel.y;

Here we see a new feature of the Entities resource. It allows us to iterate over all of our entities that have specific components. In this case, want to iterate over all our entities that have a position and a velocity, with mutable access to the position and read access to the velocity.

Finally, we'll want to be able to see what our system is doing, so let's add one more system to print out the velocities and positions of our entities:

fn print_system(
    entities: Res<Entities>,
    positions: Comp<Pos>,
    velocities: Comp<Vel>,
) {

    for (entity, (pos, vel)) in entities.iter_with((&positions, &velocities)) {
        println!("{entity:?}: {pos:?} - {vel:?}");

World and SystemStages

Now that we've defined our components and our systems, it's time to put them together.

The first step is to create a World to store our components and resources in:

let mut world = World::new();

And now we can run our setup system, to create our entities:


The run_system() function will run a system one time. Though we haven't done so in any of our systems so far, systems are allowed to return a SystemResult, so we have to unwrap the possible error when running the system.

While we only want to run our setup system once, we will need to run our other systems multiple times, and for that we use SystemStages.

let mut stages = SystemStages::with_core_stages();

This creates a new SystemStages collection, pre-populated with the CoreStages. There are five core stages, run in order:

  • CoreStage::First
  • CoreStage::PreUpdate
  • CoreStage::Update
  • CoreStage::PostUpdate
  • CoreStage::Last

These groupings make it easier to control which order your systems run, when you have a lot of different modules all adding systems to your SystemStages.

    .add_system_to_stage(CoreStage::Update, pos_vel_system)
    .add_system_to_stage(CoreStage::PostUpdate, print_system);

Once we have added all our systems we have to initialize them. This will make sure that any component store or resources that they access are created registered with the world.

stages.initialize_systems(&mut world);

Finally, we can run our stages against the world, and it will be sure to execute all of our systems in all of their stages every time we call run(). Let's run it ten times, so we can see our positions changing according to their velocity over a few frames:

for _ in 0..10 { world).unwrap();

Full Example

And that's it for the intro! Here's the full example:

use bones_ecs::prelude::*;

// Define our component types.
// Each component must be Clone + Sync + Send + TypeUlid.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, TypeUlid)]
#[ulid = "01GNDP2WAAN8C6C8XA5ZBXGHFR"]
pub struct Vel {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, TypeUlid)]
#[ulid = "01GNDP34A7TMS8PFZAGSQJ5DDX"]
pub struct Pos {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,

fn main() {
    // Initialize an empty world
    let mut world = World::new();

    // Run our setup system once to spawn our entities

    // Create a SystemStages to store the systems that we will run more than once.
    let mut stages = SystemStages::with_core_stages();

    // Add our systems to the dispatcher
        .add_system_to_stage(CoreStage::Update, pos_vel_system)
        .add_system_to_stage(CoreStage::PostUpdate, print_system);

    // Initialize our systems ( must be called once before calling )
    stages.initialize_systems(&mut world);

    // Run our game loop for 10 frames
    for _ in 0..10 { world).unwrap();

/// Setup system that spawns two entities with a Pos and a Vel component.
fn setup_system(
    mut entities: ResMut<Entities>,
    mut positions: CompMut<Pos>,
    mut velocities: CompMut<Vel>,
) {
    let ent1 = entities.create();
    positions.insert(ent1, Pos { x: 0., y: 0. });
    velocities.insert(ent1, Vel { x: 3.0, y: 1.0 });

    let ent2 = entities.create();
    positions.insert(ent2, Pos { x: 0., y: 100. });
    velocities.insert(ent2, Vel { x: 0.0, y: -1.0 });

/// Update the Pos of all entities with both a Pos and a Vel
fn pos_vel_system(entities: Res<Entities>, mut pos: CompMut<Pos>, vel: Comp<Vel>) {
    for (_, (pos, vel)) in entities.iter_with((&mut pos, &vel)) {
        pos.x += vel.x;
        pos.y += vel.y;

/// Print the Pos and Vel of every entity
fn print_system(pos: Comp<Pos>, vel: Comp<Vel>, entities: Res<Entities>) {

    for (entity, (pos, vel)) in entities.iter_with((&pos, &vel)) {
        println!("{entity:?}: {pos:?} - {vel:?}");

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